You can utilise this to present your model with cut throughs or even use it to slice your model up and send it to a laser cutter.

Its also free so its a no brainer to give it a try.Make the most of profiles with this helpful plugin.Modelling SliceSlice your model up in a whole host of different ways with this handy plugin. The website has a helpful user guide video which will walking you through getting to grips with it. It enables users to create models quickly and accurately. Built in to SketchUp are the follow tools so think of this as more of an extension. Modelling Profile BuilderOur first plugin is a massive time saver. Well explore some of the plugins you might want to look into using. Profile Builder Sketchup Plugin Free Download.I think a lot of the same advanced results can be achieved using SketchUp but the workflow is different and youll probably just need to make use of some other plugins. I dont overly agree with this conclusion as I do know incredibly skilled artists who use it as their primary modelling software. It has been regularly expressed by artists that SketchUp is great for doing simple tasks but that it lacks the functionality required to create complex models. 漏 SketchUp and J Logan Architectswas one of the first pieces of software that made it possible for non-experts to create 3D models. Paul Hatton takes a look at the plugins available for the 3D modelling software SketchUp, and offers his top 10!SketchUp has been around for a number of years now and it still seems to be going strong in the visualisation market.